Clinton Township Adopt-A-Road Program
The purpose of the Adopt-A-Road Program is to rid Township streets and recreational areas of litter and to improve our environment.
An Applicant agrees to conduct litter pickup a minimum of two times each year, or more if deemed necessary.
The Township will provide an initial safety orientation literature to the authorized representative, will provide safety materials such as safety vests and plastic trash bags and there will be notices placed on the roads stating “Litter Crew Ahead.”
After the successful initial two years, the Township will provide two permanent signs noting the program and the applicant name at the beginning and the end of the designated site.
If you or your organization is interested in participating in Clinton Township Adopt-A-Road Program, please contact the Roadmaster at 724-352-9015.
Mr. Brewer will go over the program details with you.
Click here for adopt-a-road program application.
Current Adopt-A-Road Participants
McKay Road | Double Springs Farm
Victory Road | Bayer
Victory Road Business Park | Bayer
Kozy Corner | Bayer
Alderson Road | Bayer
Spring Valley Road | Bayer
Deer Creek Road from 228 to Saxonburg Boulevard | Penn Energy
Brewer from 228 to Albin and Albin to Westminster Road |Saxonburg Area Women’s Club
Knoch Road | Cub Scout Pack 51
Deer Creek Road from Saxonburg Boulevard to Love Road | Duncan Elk Farm
Tower Road | Joe and Robin Gall
Jack Road |
Westminster Road | Armstrong Farms
Ivywood Road |
Monks Road | The Dillner Family
Sandy Hill Road | Clinton Church
Miller Road | Roy and Deanna Stang
Roads Currently Available for Adopt-A-Road
There are currently many opportunities for you or your organization to participate in the Adopt-A-Road Program! Please contact the Township Office for more information!